Diet … How does an easily digestible diet work?

Easter is a time of joy, festive gatherings and, of course, delicious food. However, for many of us, Christmas feasts can be challenging for our digestive system. In this context, it is worth taking a look at an easily digestible diet, which will allow you to enjoy the taste of Christmas without burdening your stomach. Therefore, in this article, we will take a close look at the principles of an easily digestible diet in general and the one served at Easter, sharing tips on healthy eating during this special period.

What does the term “easily digestible diet” mean?

The term “easily digestible diet” refers to an eating plan based on easily digestible products that the body can easily digest. The main goal of an easily digestible diet is to minimize the burden on the digestive system, which is especially important for people with stomach and intestinal problems, indigestion or during convalescence after surgery.

An easily digestible diet, also known as an easily digestible diet, is an adapted form of nutrition, focused on protecting the digestive tract and improving the comfort of people with various digestive ailments. Its purpose is to minimize the burden on the digestive system and provide balanced amounts of calories and nutrients, tailored to the individual needs of the patient.

Such a diet often includes dishes:

  • boiled in water,
  • stewed (without frying),
  • Steamed
  • or baked.

It is characterized by the fact that there are no hard-to-digest ingredients in such a diet, such as fatty, spicy or spicy dishes.

When should an easily digestible diet be used?

The National Center for Nutrition Education recommends an easily digestible diet for various ailments, such as reflux disease manifested by heartburn, belching or burning retrosternal pain, as well as in the case of gastric acidity. In situations of heartburn or gastric acidity, in addition to an adapted diet, antacids and mucosal protection agents can also be used on an ad hoc basis. In addition, an easily digestible diet is recommended for the elderly and during convalescence after surgery.

The most common indications for an easily digestible diet include:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines, such as inflammation of the mucous membrane or Crohn’s disease,
  • cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, e.g. colorectal cancer,
  • recovery period after surgery,
  • infections accompanying fever,
  • diseases that lead to long-term immobilization, interfering with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • planned diagnostic tests, e.g. abdominal ultrasound or colonoscopy.

What products should be included in an easily digestible diet?

An easily digestible diet should include easily digestible and gentle products for the digestive system. Here are some examples:

  1. Lean meat – chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit meat are a good source of protein without overloading the digestive system. It is also allowed to eat lean cold cuts. Lean parts of beef and pork can be consumed in limited quantities.
  2. Rice – excellent as a source of easily digestible carbohydrates.
  3. Cooked vegetables – carrots, potatoes, pumpkin or beets are easier to digest than raw vegetables. However, you should avoid broccoli, beans or peas if you have problems with flatulence.
  4. Lean dairy products – natural yogurt, low-fat white cheeses provide easily digestible calcium.
  5. Eggs – soft-boiled eggs
  6. Wheat bread – easily digestible wheat bread may be a better choice than whole grain products.
  7. Fruit – it is recommended to eat fruit without skin, boiled, baked, in a pureed form without small seeds
  8. Easily digestible fish – up to twice a week, the menu should include lean sea fish such as: cod, pollock, sole, tuna.
  9. Small amounts of fats, allowing the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K – in this case, butter, olive oil.

It is worth adjusting the diet to individual taste preferences and possible health restrictions. It is also important to eat in moderation to avoid putting too much strain on the digestive system. Before making major changes to your diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor or dietician.

What is not easy to digest? What foods to avoid on an easily digestible diet?

In an easily digestible diet, it is recommended to avoid foods with a high degree of digestion difficulty. Avoid:

  1. Fatty foods – large amounts of fat can slow down the digestive process and cause stomach discomfort. Avoid fatty meat and fatty parts of meat (bacon, bacon, pork knuckle), meat and fish delicatessen products and raw meat.
  2. Hot and spicy spices – can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, causing unpleasant symptoms.
  3. Raw and fried eggs should be excluded.
  4. Hard-to-digest meats – such as pork or mutton.
  5. Fresh vegetables and fruits with hard skins – cruciferous vegetables, raw carrots or fruit peels, which can be difficult to digest, should be avoided.
  6. Carbonated drinks – carbonated drinks can cause bloating and stomach discomfort.
  7. High-fat dairy products – choose dairy products with a lower fat content.
  8. High-fibre cereal products – large amounts of fibre can be difficult to digest with a delicate digestive system.

Before making changes to your diet, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor or dietician to adjust the menu to your individual needs and health requirements.

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