One of the most popular and at the same time the most effective methods of weight reduction is a reduction diet. Importantly, its use is not limited to denying yourself selected foods. On the contrary – the idea of a reduction diet is to control the consumption of kilocalories, not to eliminate specific groups of food products.
What is a reduction diet?
As the name suggests, a reduction diet is a way of eating that aims to reduce the amount of calories consumed, and thus reduce body weight. In order for a reduction diet to bring specific results, the energy deficit during the day must be adjusted in such a way as to take in less energy than the total daily caloric demand of a given person. It is recommended to consume from 500 to even 1000 kcal less than required by the daily norm for a given social group. As you can easily guess, a reduction diet for athletes will look completely different than a reduction diet for a person whose only activity is to go to work.
Reduction diet – what next?
A reduction diet is included in the temporary diet. This means that it should only be used for a certain period of time. How long is it? It all depends on body weight, the expected effects that the diet is supposed to bring, but also on health predispositions. Weight loss should not last longer than 2-3 months, especially if the diet is highly restrictive in terms of calories. After this period, you should slowly normalize your diet and start taking in the amount of calories appropriate for your daily lifestyle. This process should not be violent to prevent the yo-yo effect from occurring. In the case of restrictive reduction diets, its duration is at least 2 – 3 weeks. To be sure that the reduction we have introduced will bring results for longer, it is best to be under the constant care of specialists.
Diet and physical activity
Many people believe that a reduction diet should be combined with increased physical activity. Not quite! The amount of calories consumed daily should be determined for a standard lifestyle. Let’s take an example. If physical activity increases and the number of kilocalories in a reduction diet is at a constant level, the energy deficit can increase up to 2000 kcal, because each additional movement increases the total daily energy requirement during the day. In practice, this means not only weight reduction, but above all exposure to a number of nutritional deficiencies. Such intensive weight loss can even lead to psychophysical disorders, including anorexia and depression, in the long run.
Someone could ask why it is important to introduce such an energy deficit in a reduction diet. After all, following the train of thought of many people suffering from overweight and obesity, a lower deficit could be established, thus extending the duration of the diet. This is the most sensible solution, but it requires more fortitude. Limiting the supply of calories by, for example, 100 will ensure that the weekly weight reduction does not exceed 1 kg. And this means that for the first two or three weeks it will be difficult to notice any differences in appearance. Worse still, mobilizing yourself to keep exerting yourself will also be more difficult. However, it should be remembered that the energy deficit must be adjusted individually, preferably by a specific specialist, i.e. a dietician.